Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Of simple-mindedness

WARNING: Don't read this if you have anything better to do!

It's 12.15 am and my eyes are still in their active trance. Might be due to the fact that I had a 3-hour-long "nap" petang tadi kut. Hehhe. Can't help it. My biological clock dah tunggang terbalik since the exams last week. Biasalah time-time periksa tidur tak menentu, tidur lepas subuh bangun tengahari buta, tidur pukul 10 pm bangun pukul 2 am tak tidur dah sampai malam berikutnya. Sesuka hati jek. Aiyoo. Have to stop this bad habit of sleeping at unappropriate hours, nanti kene parkinsons disease (ye ke? nyehnyeh..) karang baru tau.

Anyway, to be honest I'm actually the morning type of person. Kalau tak sebab exam (semua nak salahkan exam kan??), my sleeping schedule most of the time memang cun-cun je. Sleep around 11.30 pm, wake up at 5.30 am lah paling-paling lewat pun. It's nice having the peace and quiet all to yourself. You don't have to worry about people peeping into your private routines, although its not that private pun. There's a big difference between sleeping early, waking up early and sleeping late, waking up late. Arifah thinks and believes that your brain process thoughts and ideas faster when you sleep early and rise when the day is still young. There's something magical about the dewy quiet moments of the dawn, I tell you!

You might have noticed by my third paragraph that I am literally writing nonsense. Sebenarnya memang tak ada idea langsung nak tulis apa. All my bernas ideas dah gone with the wind. Lepas tu, my glossary's worth right now are equivalent to that of junks and jargons. Rojak-rojak, macam-macam ada. Hehhe. Well, saja nak cuba-cuba benda baru once in awhile.

Ok. Rasanya dah puas mengarut-ngarut buat masa ni. Sekian saja ketemu kita di lain hari. Roger and out.

Ps: I did warn you ahead didn't I? Lol. =D


Mama Sarah said...

tidur awal bangun awal, baik untuk kesihatan :)

dzulfiqar said...

Tidur itu saat kerehatan yang dikurniakan malah ianya adalah nikmat. jangan salahguna apatah lagi tak guna dengan sebaiknya. manfaatkan la ia, agar tubuh kita dapat kembali bertenaga untuk beramal :)

Jamil said...

I should have taken heed of your warning earlier on in the entry. Kidding :P

Anyway, I'm trying to become a morning person too - ever since I've developed the habit of waking up two or three in the morning ~

Anonymous said...

yo.bestnye dah abes exam.aku baru nk start exam sabtu nih.pray for me!mwax.

Arifah said...

Mamasarah: Thanks. Will be contacting you soon. Nak try out the sushi or maybe the pizza. =)

Kak Ein: Baik kak! Hehhe. Saya tak tidur lepas subuh dah sejak 2 hari lepas. InsyaAllah, lepas ni ok dah kut.

JamiL: 2 or 3 is pretty early! Tidur pukul brape?

Dinie: Good luck. Miss you huns~