In truth all of us are sinners, and it is only from Allah’s mercy upon us that He is "As-Sitteer" - the One who veils our faults and our flaws, and makes us seem better than we really are in others’ eyes...
Jamil: I swear that you are becoming more annoying (normally you are) with each passing entry of yours. =P Keep on guessing! Hehhe.
Dith: Nak! Nak! Pernah makan your kerabu mangga that one time I slept over at your house. SEdaaaaaaaaap sgt2. Nanti when I balik kampung singgah your house, you must make me some. Hehehe. Thank you. =)
Anony: I'm perked up already! Can never thank u enough understanding. Everything wi11 fa11 in it's place. ^_^
Pilu and sedih because you had to take care of your mischievous siblings while we were on holiday? Anyway, thanks for all the good things you did while we were away. May Allah bless you!
Pycno turut sedih - for whatever reason.
Sudi menjawab dan merungkai ????? ini?
I swear that you are becoming more cryptic with each passing entry of yours.
Can kerabu mangga heal your pain?
i bet u kn0w wh0 this is... have faith... InsyaA11ah, everything wi11 fa11 in its p1ace.. Be1ieve in what y0u are d0ing... Perk up, 0k makcik? ^_^
Pycno: Don't worry. I'm a-ok now! ;)
Jamil: I swear that you are becoming more annoying (normally you are) with each passing entry of yours. =P
Keep on guessing! Hehhe.
Dith: Nak! Nak! Pernah makan your kerabu mangga that one time I slept over at your house. SEdaaaaaaaaap sgt2. Nanti when I balik kampung singgah your house, you must make me some. Hehehe. Thank you. =)
Anony: I'm perked up already! Can never thank u enough understanding. Everything wi11 fa11 in it's place. ^_^
thats g00d t0 hear... cheers~
bagusla kalau dah okay..hehe. Whatever happens, bear in mind, La tahzan, innallah ma3na...
Anony: Thehehe. Go arifah go! Go go go! =P
Sarah: =)
Hey, you are supposed to be the annoying one.
Pilu and sedih because you had to take care of your mischievous siblings while we were on holiday? Anyway, thanks for all the good things you did while we were away. May Allah bless you!
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