Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A short visit from the owner

Maaf zahir dan batin.
Semoga raya kali ini lebih bermakna buat semua.

Dari kami di Kuantan, Pahang.
Jemputlah ke rumah nenek saya untuk meraka yang beraya di sini.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ainul Yaqeen.

Berhadapan dengan bisyarat yang menjanjikan masa yang cemerlang di dunia ini, di samping harapan yang cerah untuk memiliki syurga Allah, para sahabat melihat penyiksaan yang silih menimpa mereka dan bala bencana yang mengelilingi mereka tidak lebih dari mendung timur yang menyelubungi suasana yang tidak lama akan hilang. Rasulullah terus mengukuhkan jiwa mereka dengan sajian kerohanian dan keimanan, mentazkiahkan hati-hati mereka dengan ajaran-ajaran al-Quran dan hikmah- hikmahnya, mentarbiahkan mereka dengan latihan yang membina budi, membimbing jiwa-jiwa mereka ke rnercu kemuliaan diri, kesucian hati, keheningan susila, kebebasan dari rantai meterialistik, penentangan hawa nafsu, dan melonjak syahdu kehadrat Ilahi, Pencipta petala langit dan bumi. Seluruh sanubari mereka dibersihkan, hingga keluarlah mereka dari buana kegelapan ke alam cahaya dan nur, melatih mereka cekal hati menghadapi cabaran dan rintangan hawa nafsu, hingga dengannya mereka semakin kukuh berpegang dengan agama, menolak ke tepi syahwat hawa nafsu, bermatian ke jalan Allah dan keredhaanNya, penuh nostalgia kepada syurga nirwanaNya, perihatin untuk memperolehi ilmu, bertafaqquh dalam agama, menghitung diri, menunduk runtunan nafsu, mengatasi emosi, menguasai berontakan perasaan, kesemuanya ditambah dengan kesabaran, ketenangan dan ketabahan hati.


Aku yakin.
Mendung timur yang menyelubungi suasana ini, tidak lama lagi akan hilang~

Friday, September 19, 2008


"The leading Malaysian English daily, The Star, was closed down for a few months. In the weeks prior to Operation Lalang, The Star had continuously provided transparent news coverage about the Opposition's point of view. This construed treason as far as the government was concerned, and they were shut down under Malaysia's repressive sedition laws. The Star resumed publication months later under new management that was installed by UMNO. Most of the previous staff were laid off or otherwise threatened with prison and ISA.

From that point onwards, The Star, as well as many other media outlets in Malaysia, became government-controlled mouthpieces with an obvious pro-government slant. These media outlets were also noticeably whitewashing all of the UMNO government's wrongdoings and corruption. All the cover-up and whitewashing by the mass media became more obvious towards the late-90's, when another power struggle within UMNO (the Mahathir vs Anwar episode) revealed the extent of corruption and crimes among the UMNO executive that have never been revealed or reported."

So, that's why our media as of now is not transparent in reporting accurate facts. Since 1987 more specifically, it was controlled by people who don't want the truth to be revealed!

Read here on Operasi Lalang. How history is repeating itself this very moment.

But this time, I sincerely pray it is for the better. May Allah guide us towards the truth. For the progress of humanity rest on that very foundation we now seem to lack. Integrity.

Gegaran semangat

Astagfirullah. Astagfirullah. Astagfirullah.

Apa matlamat hidup aku selama ini?

Sekadar membesar, masuk sekolah, masuk universiti, dapat ijazah, jadi doktor, kahwin, dapat anak, dapat cucu, dapat penyakit, makin tua... lepas tu?

Bangkitlah, bangkitlah, bangkitlah.

Ya Allah, sudah berlalu masa tidurku!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am a woman, treat me well

To educate a girl is to educate a whole family. And what is true of families is also true of communities and, ultimately, whole countries. Study after study has taught us that there is no tool for development more effective than the education of girls. No other policy is as likely to raise economic productivity, lower infant and maternal mortality, improve nutrition and promote health – including helping to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. No other policy is as powerful in increasing the chances of education for the next generation.

- Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN

I was reading the first chapter of the Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics (oh yes, started paediatric posting last Monday btw~) just now and came across this paragraph. My hands can't just stop twitching itself until I posted it here. Hehhe.

I felt a surge of pride knowing that once upon a time, when the world view females as a liability, as the weaker sex, as the burden of a nation, as the slaves of men, as an entity merely for that of pleasure fulfillment, never as a person, Islam stood alone and raised women to a very high status in its society.

For those who're ignorant of the histories of the world might not see what I mean. And to spread the story of nations in one entry would be, well, to be honest I need to study right now not writing this! Hehhe.

But anyway, briefly, you can review that during the emergent of Islam in Arab, the Romans and the Greeks were making women their playthings, the Hindus were oppressing the rights of their women, the Arabs themselves were killing girls who were born into a family for the stupid reason of females being the magnet of bad luck. Grrrrr!

But look at what the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did? He treated women with respect, he thought women the importance of knowledge, he gave women the rights to inheritance with great proportions, he behaved towards women with care and tenderness, and he listened to what the women have to say in many things.

“The rights of women are sacred.
See that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them.”
- Prophet Muhammad

“God enjoins you to treat women well,
for they are your mothers, daughters, aunts.”

- Prophet Muhammad

So, basically, even before Kofi Annan said it, Islam has already compelled it! I'm proud to be a Muslim.

The Night of Power

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Dah masuk hari ke 17 Ramadhan, apa khabar iman anda?

Tak sabar nak tunggu 10 malam terakhir. Jom kita cuba dapatkan Laylat ul-Qadr~

Tak sabarnyeeee! Tak sabarnyeeee! Tak sabarnyeeee!

"The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees. (The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn." -Surah Al-Qadr

Oh Allah, do not deprive us of the Night of Power.
Oh Allah, do not deprive us of its pay.
And do not deprive us of its excellance.
Oh Allah, do not deprive us of its rewards.
And make us of those whose prayers are answered in it.
Oh Allah, in it make us of the joyful!
Of the Rightly Guided people.
Of those before us!
To the Garden of Delights.
By your mercy, oh Lord of the Worlds.
Oh Allah, make us of those who receive their books with their right hands.
And it is said to them on the Day of Resurrection,
Enter it (paradise) in peace.
Enter it with no worries, rest assured.
Enter it with no punishment, as its inhabitants.
By your mercy, oh Lord of the Worlds.

To understand better about it:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I give you my heart

Truly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sayonara Jahiliyyah~

Memang terasa seperti hendak menulis pengalaman sendiri, hendak membuka pintu hati dan menterjemahkannya ke dalam kebenaran penulisan yang hakiki, tapi rasa macam ada writer's block pula. Hehhe. Jadi saya mengambil terus dari isi hati seorang sahabat yang merasai apa yang saya rasa, mungkin bukan pada masa yang sama tapi ianya mempunyai kesan yang sama terhadap kehidupan kami seluruhnya. Apa yang dia tulis seolah-olah datang dari hati saya sendiri. Maka saya persembahkannya di sini... semoga ia menyentuh hati mereka yang mahu mengerti. This piece of literature is taken from the blog: Halwa Hati.


Banyaknya perkara yang terjadi dalam hidup seharianku, kadang-kadang sempat untukku selami pengajaran & tarbiyah yang Allah sediakan di sebaliknya, namun kadangkala aku terlepas pandang & ia berlalu begitu saja. Memori itu hilang ditelan masa tanpa sempat ku kutip mutiara hikmah darinya. Alangkah rugi! Bagaimanalah utk menjadikan hari ini lebih baik dari semlm, kalau tidak direnungi apakah kekurangan semalam & bagaimana memperbaikinya? Namun InsyaAllah mana-mana mutiara hikmah yang sempat ku kutip sepanjang jalanku itu, akan kuletakkan di sini.. dalam coretan yang kudoakan mampu menyentuh hati mereka yang mahu mengerti.

Maha Suci Allah yang membukakan pintu hati makhlukNya, mengangkat hijab yg selama ini menghalangi pandangan. Siapa sangka kabut yg pernah menyelubungi & menggelapkan hati ini akan berlalu pergi? Digantikan pula dgn titis-titis keinsafan menyirami hati, membasahkannya dgn Hidayah.. meredhakan pemergian Jahiliyyah buat selama-lamanya, insyaAllah.

Aku ingin selalu berada dalam kebenaran. Ingin sentiasa di atas landasan iman. Ingin bersama-sama mereka, menjadi di kalangan tentera Allah, sebahagian dari Ansarallah, setia memperjuangkan & beriltizam dengan Ad-Deen yg mulia ini. Tetapi rupanya ia tidak semudah yg kusangka. Angan-angan saja tidak cukup. Kerana sisa-sisa jahiliyyah yg pernah subur dalam diriku itu perlu dikikis bersih-bersih terlebih dulu, lempar jauh-jauh.. supaya ruang di jiwa itu lebih luas, lebih mudah untuk diisi dgn sesuatu yang lebih suci & haq, yang pastinya tidak bisa bercampur dengan yang batil. Lantas ini secara automatik menuntut pengorbanan yang bukan sedikit. Namun, syurga itu memang mahal harganya, bukan?

Benarlah, iman itu bukan perhiasan, bukan juga angan-angan. Ia adalah keyakinan yang sebenar-benar dlm hati, yang dinatijahkan melalui amalan. InsyaAllah berbekalkan sejemput fikrah Islam yang mengetuk pintu hati, kumulakan hijrah itu. Mengorak langkah-langkah pertama meninggalkan zaman Jahiliyyah. Tapi aku sedar langkahku itu belum jauh, masih perlahan, masih tersekat-sekat, malah sering saja terjatuh. Tapi tak apa. Yang pasti.. jgn sekali ia berhenti. Kerana jalanku masih panjang.

Sedikit demi sedikit, makin kusedari betapa alpanya diriku dulu. Bila menatap foto lama, serta-merta terbit rasa kesal & malu melihat diri sendiri. Atau bila membuka almari, terasa banyaknya pakaian yang hari ini takkan kukenakan lagi, sebab ia tak memenuhi tuntutan Allah buat seorg muslimah. Atau tatkala melihat simpanan lagu-lagu yang pernah menjadi halwa telingaku, alangkah songsangnya lirik-lirik itu dari kebenaran! Hanya menjaja angan-angan & menghanyutkan saja. Sebenarnya bukan tak pernah dulu aku terasa Hidayah Allah mengintai-intai & merisik.. tapi hati kurang menyambutnya, mengabaikan saja bisikan iman itu & aku terus saja menjadi mangsa keadaan. Justeru hari ini aku sedih jika ada org lain yang terus ingin & terus gembira menjadi mangsa keadaan.

"Dan jika kamu mengikuti kebanyakan orang-orang yang ada di muka bumi ini, nescaya mereka akan menyesatkanmu dari jalan Allah. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah mengikut persangkaan belaka, dan mereka tidak lain hanyalah berdusta(terhadap Allah)." (6:116)

Ayuh, tinggalkan zaman Jahiliyyahmu & kita sama-sama buka era baru! Pada usia muda 17 tahun, Al-Maududi sudah mula berjuang dgn penanya dalam Akhbar di India utk membangkitkan kesedaran Islam, serta memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Pakistan. Usamah bin Zaid sudah menjadi Panglima perang yg memimpin tentera Islam seawal usia 19 tahun. Constantinople ditakluk oleh Sultan Al-Fateh semasa dia hanya 21 tahun. Pada usia yg sama, Ibnu Batuttah telah memulakan pengembaraannya menjelajah dunia. Nabi Daud pula telah menewaskan seorang general ketika hanya berumur 15 tahun! Mereka semua adalah pemuda! Tetapi telah mengubah dunia! Aku? Pada usia yang sudah 21 thn ini, baru hendak keluar dari kepompong jahiliyyah, baru mula menghayati syahadah & masih bertatih mengenal apa erti aku menganut Islam.

"Allah menganugerahkan al-hikmah(kefahaman yang dalam tentang Al Quran dan As Sunnah) kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan barangsiapa yang dianugerahi al hikmah itu, ia benar benar telah dianugerahi kurnia yang banyak.Dan hanya orang orang yang berakallah yang dapat mengambil pengajaran dari ayat ayat Allah." (2:269)

Rasulullah juga pernah bersabda..

"Sesiapa yang Allah hendaki kebaikan kepadanya akan diberikan kefahaman tentang deen nya…"

Sahabat-sahabatku yang dikasihi, kita akan sama-sama menyusuri jalan ini. Hidayah yang datang itu adalah hadiah Allah untuk kita yang tak ternilai harganya! Janganlah dinilai zaman lalu kita, cukuplah kita faham.. Biarlah rasa ‘Izzah itu tumbuh subur tanpa disekat-sekat lagi… biar terasa benar-benar dalam hatimu; aku bangga dengan ad-Deen ini! Kitalah rijal-rijal yg mulai hari ini akan berdiri untuk Islam tanpa segan silu & tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi & moga kita istiqamah di jalanNya. InsyaAllah!

Kebenaran yang ditekan tetap menjalar

Aku tiba-tiba tersentak dari lamunan
Aku tiba-tiba tersedar dari igauan masa silam
Kadang-kadang cuba berdalih dari kewajiban
Kadang-kadang sengaja ingin hidup dalam kelam

Tapi hari ini sang mentari menyinar terang
Tampak sang pelangi melambai riang
Terima Kasih Yang Maha Penyayang
Kerana kini, aku sudah yakin untuk tegar berjuang!

Created at a whim by: Arifah Abd. Rahim
With the grace of the Almighty, I truly am happy. =)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ramadhan; The best of months

It is the time of the year again. When every good we do is rewarded double, triple, quadruple (I can go on like forever..) the amount. When the doors of hell are locked, the devils given uniform in stripes and put behind bars, the kingdom of heavens are opened and the endless mercy of the Almighty is upon us.

How are you doing right now? How is your Iman? How much are your Amal? How high is your repentance? How much have you forgiven those around you? How many blessings that you've received you've counted? How many heaps of love have you spread?

[2:183] O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may (learn) self-restrain.

I do not know about other people, but I do know that this year's Ramadhan is the most special of all the Ramadhans I have gone through before. Because it came with a feeling of sincere believe and a reawakened mind of my real purpose in life.

There was a time when I was the kind of person that enjoyed movie marathons until the wee hours of the morning, that disregard any form of religious affiliations; Islamic or otherwise, that have taken pleasure in showing of my body, that have specifically ignored the lines given by Islam in the contiguity of a male and a female, that have neglected every bit of guidance Allah gave me.

There was a time when worldly admiration was what I aimed, where narcissistic ambitions became predominant above all others, where the feelings of the people that I love I purposely overlooked because of selfish reasons, where everything and everyone were blamed due to my own insufficiency.

And then.. something happened. The true understanding of Islam shook the very core of my perceptions. My life took a 180 degree turn. Everything became meaningful again.

And I wanted so much to share it with those I really cared about. I wanted to share it with my parents, I wanted to share it with my siblings, I wanted to share it with my cousins, aunties and uncles, I wanted to share it with all my friends. Every one of them. I tried, in my own way, I really did try. But somehow, somewhere along the way, my steps faltered.

[15:94] Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.

Now, it has dawned on me that patience, sincerity and perseverance is the key. That the journey is going to be long and full of trials, tribulations, challenges. That some will totally ignore, some will resist at first and then only relent, and if I'm lucky some with unquestioningly accept.

[2:155-177] Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, 'To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.' They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance.

I have come to embrace the fact that my life will not be like others. That my ambitions cannot be of this life only. That what I do will sometime be incomprehensible to those who do not see what I believe in the same light as I do. That a lot have to be sacrificed for the truth that I claim I carry.

[29:64] What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the Home in the Hereafter that is life indeed if they but knew.

But sometimes it can be so very hard, in can get so very frustrating and often more than not my spirits stumbles and my soul staggers. For I am but an ordinary human being. Do not let the weakness of the messenger restrain you from the truth of the message.

[94:5-6] Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.

I have been wanting to write about this for quite sometime now. But I was not brave enough to do so. Brave enough to accept the consequences of fabricating thoughts into solid facts on 'paper'. I believe we should always be responsible with what we write because what we write is what we think and thoughts becomes actions. And every action has it effects on everything.