You Are a Dreaming Soul |
![]() Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life. |
In truth all of us are sinners, and it is only from Allah’s mercy upon us that He is "As-Sitteer" - the One who veils our faults and our flaws, and makes us seem better than we really are in others’ eyes...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Airmata Rasulullah
"Wahai umatku, kita semua ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih Nya. Maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. Kuwariskan dua perkara pada kalian, Al-Qur'an dan sunnahku. Barang siapa mencintai sunnahku, bererti mencintai aku dan kelak orang orang yang mencintaiku, akan masuk syurga bersama sama aku."
Khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan pandangan mata Rasulullah yang tenang dan penuh minat menatap sahabatnya satu persatu.
Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca, Umar dadanya naik turun menahan nafas dan tangisnya. Usman menghela nafas panjang dan Ali menundukkan kepalanya dalam-dalam. Isyarat itu telah datang, saatnya sudah tiba. "Rasulullah akan meninggalkan kita semua," keluh
hati semua sahabat kala itu. Manusia tercinta itu, hampir selesai menunaikan tugasnya didunia.
Tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat, tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan cergas menangkap Rasulullah yang berkeadaan lemah dan goyah ketika turun dari mimbar. Disaat itu, kalau mampu, seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan menahan detik-detik berlalu.
Matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu rumah Rasulullah masih tertutup. Sedang didalamnya, Rasulullah sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang menjadi alas tidurnya.
Tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang berseru mengucapkan salam. "Bolehkah saya masuk?" tanyanya.
Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk,"Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam," kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu.
Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah, "Siapakah itu wahai anakku?"
"Tak tahulah ayahku, orang sepertinya baru sekali ini aku melihatnya," tutur Fatimah lembut. Lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan. Seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah anaknya itu hendak dikenang.
"Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia. Dialah malakul maut,"kata Rasulullah,
Fatimah pun menahan ledakkan tangisnya. Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama menyertainya.
Kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini.
"Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti di hadapan Allah?" Tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah.
"Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu. Semua syurga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu," kata Jibril. Tapi itu ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan.
"Engkau tidak senang mendengar khabar ini?" Tanya Jibril lagi.
"Khabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?"
"Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: 'Kuharamkan syurga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada di dalamnya," kata Jibril.
Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas.Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik. Nampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang. "Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini." Perlahan Rasulullah mengaduh.
Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang di sampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril memalingkan muka.
"Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril?" Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu.
"Siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal," kata Jibril.
Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah memekik, kerana sakit yang tidak tertahankan lagi. "Ya Allah, dahsyat nian maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku."
Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi. Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali segera mendekatkan telinganya.
"Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku"
"Peliharalah shalat dan peliharalah orang-orang lemah di antaramu."
Di luar pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan. Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan. "Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii" - "Umatku, umatku, umatku" Dan, berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang memberi sinaran itu.
Kini, mampukah kita mencintai sepertinya? Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa salim 'alaihi... Betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita. Kirimkan kepada sahabat-sahabat muslim lainnya agar timbul kesedaran untuk mencintai Allah dan RasulNya, seperti Allah dan Rasulnya mencintai kita. Karena sesungguhnya selain daripada itu hanyalah fana belaka
--- Depicted from the book: Detik-detik Terakhir Kehidupan Rasulullah SAW
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm a freedom writer!
Hello!! Hello people!! How's life going on? Hope you're in the best of health always, insyaAllah. It has been hectic this past 2,3 weeks filled with medical journals, report-writing, referencing (if you've done a thesis before, you'll know how HARD this is!), birthday-present-shopping, chapter editting, abstract constructing, scientific write-ups and living. Hah. I hope you feel suffocated enough just by reading that long list of things to do (note: almost done) cause it did almost actually strangled me. But anyway, enough exaggerations on my life, all is well for now. Don't you guys worry about me! Hehhe. Perasan tu orang risaukan saya.
Albeit the fact that I only just hyperbolized how hectic my life was, I'd like to admit that I managed to squeeze almost 2 hours of a movie last Friday into the chaos. I watched The Freedom Writers. Honestly, I was truly inspired!! I'm not going to elaborate on the technical aspects like who starred or how much the budget for the movie was or was the director famous or not or whether the movie actually hit box office. I have focused rather on the ideals of the movie itself. Oh, just so you'd know, this movie was based on a true story. Go google: The Freedom Writers.
A short summary on the movie; Erin Gruwell began teaching English at Wilson High School in California. Her students lived in a city that was racially divided, and her classroom reflected those divisions. Gruwell’s classroom, Room 203, had been a type of dumping ground for students with academic and disciplinary problems. In short, they were all children who were left behind. Her students knew the cost of gang violence and other social ills first hand, and Gruwell was able to reach them by finding literature that her students could relate to. Books like Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and Zlata’s Diary: A Child’s Life in Sarajevo showed her students that there are other youngsters who had grown up in war zones and had faced similar prejudices. Her pupils, despite the system’s low expectations for them, eventually made it to college.
Alright peeps, so, this is me trying to imitate a professional movie critic:
Notion 1 - Despite the propaganda of the American Goverment trying to act like "leader" (yeah right!) of the free world and fighting against terrorism, their own people are living in terror against interracial gang warfare and racism. Rather than channelling resources into solving internal racial tensions and gang violance they waste money and man-force to a fabricated war against a so called group of terrorists. Perhap the Bush administration should really be thrown into the bushes.
Notion 2 - The Holocaust was hyped to an extra extra larger scale than it really was. No, I'm definitely not advocating at all what the Nazis did during the period of WWII. What they did was a blatant disregard and sheer disrespect to the dignity of the human race the world over. However, it should also be noted that the Roma, Soviet prisoner-of-wars, disabled people, political prisoners and several other groups of people were also slain, NOT JUST the Jews. So, for them to tune the limelight onto themselves merely for the sake of getting support to ambush and take hold of the Palestinian land is an act that should be annihilated and annuled by anyone who honestly have a right mind! What they are doing now is EXACTLY what have been done onto them once upon a time, a deed that they themselves strived to fight against. And whatever did the people of Palestine do to deserve such a punishment? (er.. punished for what anyway?)
Notion 3 - If you haven't read The Diary of Anne Frank.. well you should go and buy and read it at once! The mind of an inquisitive 13-year-old girl can really provide you with lessons of life (nevermind that she was a Jew, lessons are still lessons regardless of source) that will amaze even an intelligent full-grown adult . Believe me. Read this book.
Notion 4 - One should take into citation what Miep Gies (the Austrian woman who helped to hide the Frank family during the reign of the Nazis at the expanse of her own life) said in the movie, the scene goes as follows;
One of the students says to her, “I’ve never had a hero before, but you are my hero.”
Her answer is, “No, no, young man. No, I am not a hero. I did what I had to do because it was the right thing to do. That is all. No, we are all ordinary people, but even an ordinary secretary, or housewife, or teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room. Yeah? I have read your letters and your teacher has been telling me many things about your experiences. You are the heroes. You are heroes every day.”
But one should also remember that to DO the RIGHT thing, you first have to know what's right and what's wrong. Thus, it is crucial to make sure your goal in life is true to your believes and that you are on the right path, always and I repeat, ALWAYS.
Right. So, there it is, my thoughts during and after the movie. Some of it are facts, some of it are purely my humble musings. You may or may not acknowledge it, I give you that right. But I hope that it had at least triggered that gray matter of yours (note: to whoever is reading this lah, hehhe) to always see beyond face value and er... to go see this movie!!! Hehehehe. =P
Reminder for myself: Cakap/tulis/type senang, nak buat tak semudah itu, maka, berusahalah. Jangan duk goyang kaki dan berangan-angan lagi ye Cik Arifah oi!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Soup for the soul
This entry is quoted from Aneesa.
Dear friends. Change is possible. Have faith. But most importantly, work towards the truth!
Salaam Alaikum,
I was on my way back from the airport wallowing in my sniffles, when the DJ on the radio read a quote which I thought, CRIIIIKEEYY!! That’s spot on!!
It went somewhere along the lines of (paraphrasing in Malay, if sentence structure is incorrect, luruskan tia oleh kamu ah! Jazakallahu Khair) :
Tiada seseorang itu suci melainkan mempunyai masa silam penuh dengan noda; tiada seseorang itu dicemar dengan dosa pada masa ini melainkan mempunya masa dapan yang penuh iman dan taqwa.
One cannot be pure at present unless he had a darken past; one cannot be filled with sins at present unless he will have a brightened future. (or somewhere along those lines)
I forgot about my sniffles and put on a wide grin and said my thanks to Allah for giving me Hidayah. Alhamdulilah, we can’t say how grateful we are to Him.
There is hope my brothers and sisters, there is hope. I was once a very lost soul. Truly I was. But Allah came to my aid at my darkest hour and gave me Nur.
It happened to me, have faith, it can happen to you too. For some, it may take a while to realise the sweetness of Iman, for others, the realisation happens overnight.
But change is possible. And when it happens, insya-Allah, it will be the BEST of the BESTEST thing ever (next to slice bread) that could ever happen to you.
(27) Al-A'rad
وَيَقُولُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لَوْلاَ أُنزِلَ عَلَيْهِ آيَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّهِ قُلْ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُضِلُّ مَن يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي إِلَيْهِ مَنْ أَنَابَ
Those who disbelieve say, ‘Why has a Sign not been sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say: ‘Allah misguides whoever He wills and guides to Himself all who turn to Him:
(28) Al-A'rad
الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللّهِ أَلاَ بِذِكْرِ اللّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ
Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah. Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace.’
Monday, June 11, 2007
A prayer
Soothe burning hearts with the coolness of faith,
Give peaceful slumber to the restless,
And serenity to disturbed souls,
Guide the confused ones to Your light,
And those that are astray to Your guidance,
Remove evil whispers from our hearts,
And replace them with light,
Destroy falsehood with truth,
Crush the evil plots of the Devil
With Your Army of Angels,
Remove from us misery, affliction, and anxiety
Saturday, June 02, 2007
-Diary of Anne Frank-
I am Happy. Alhamdulillah.